

ウクレレ/カリンバ その他楽器

“アンサンブル コンテスト セレクション2024“





Percussion 1...締太鼓 (or Snare Drum) [shared with Percussion 4], Small Bass Drum [shared with Percussion 4], Vibraphone 1
Percussion 2A(※1)...附け 1, Marimba 1 (4 or 4 1/2 or 5 oct.)
Percussion 2B(※1)...附け 2, Marimba 2 (4 oct.) [shared with Percussion 4], Xylophone 2(※2)
Percussion 3...Wood Block, Large Bass Drum, Sleigh Bell, Glockenspiel, Conga, Bongo
*Percussion 4...木鉦, Marimba 2 (4 or 4 1/2 or 5 oct.) [shared with Percussion 2B], Small Bass Drum [shared with Percussion 1], 締太鼓 (or Snare Drum) [shared with Percussion 1]
*Percussion 5...Timpani, Bell Tree (or Spring Coil), Crotale (High oct.)(※3), Suspended Cymbal 3
*Percussion 6...Tam-tam, Suspended Cymbal 1, Chime, 3 Toms, Trash Cymbal (or Hi-Hat)
*Percussion 7...附け 3 (or Wood Piece), Crotale (Low oct.), Vibraphone 2
*Percussion 8...神楽鈴 (or Sleigh Bell), Marimba 3 (5 oct.), 拍子木 (or Claves)[shared with Percussion 9], Xylophone 3(※4)
*Percussion 9...拍子木 (or Claves)[shared with Percussion 8], 竹鳴子 (or Rain Stick, Slap Stick), Sizzle Cymbal, Triangle, Suspended Cymbal 2, Glass Harp (C), Xylophone 1, Floor Tom, Timbales

※1...Percussion 2A、2Bは基本どちらかを選択して演奏すること。
※2...Percussion 2B (Normal)では一部Xylophoneを選択して演奏可能
※3...Percussion 5のCrotale (High oct.)は省略して演奏可能
※4...Percussion 8 (Normal)では一部Xylophoneを選択して演奏可能
打楽器アンサンブル楽譜 最後の蝋燭(打楽器3(~10)重奏)

“アンサンブル コンテスト セレクション2024“





Percussion 1...締太鼓 (or Snare Drum) [shared with Percussion 4], Small Bass Drum [shared with Percussion 4], Vibraphone 1
Percussion 2A(※1)...附け 1, Marimba 1 (4 or 4 1/2 or 5 oct.)
Percussion 2B(※1)...附け 2, Marimba 2 (4 oct.) [shared with Percussion 4], Xylophone 2(※2)
Percussion 3...Wood Block, Large Bass Drum, Sleigh Bell, Glockenspiel, Conga, Bongo
*Percussion 4...木鉦, Marimba 2 (4 or 4 1/2 or 5 oct.) [shared with Percussion 2B], Small Bass Drum [shared with Percussion 1], 締太鼓 (or Snare Drum) [shared with Percussion 1]
*Percussion 5...Timpani, Bell Tree (or Spring Coil), Crotale (High oct.)(※3), Suspended Cymbal 3
*Percussion 6...Tam-tam, Suspended Cymbal 1, Chime, 3 Toms, Trash Cymbal (or Hi-Hat)
*Percussion 7...附け 3 (or Wood Piece), Crotale (Low oct.), Vibraphone 2
*Percussion 8...神楽鈴 (or Sleigh Bell), Marimba 3 (5 oct.), 拍子木 (or Claves)[shared with Percussion 9], Xylophone 3(※4)
*Percussion 9...拍子木 (or Claves)[shared with Percussion 8], 竹鳴子 (or Rain Stick, Slap Stick), Sizzle Cymbal, Triangle, Suspended Cymbal 2, Glass Harp (C), Xylophone 1, Floor Tom, Timbales

※1...Percussion 2A、2Bは基本どちらかを選択して演奏すること。
※2...Percussion 2B (Normal)では一部Xylophoneを選択して演奏可能
※3...Percussion 5のCrotale (High oct.)は省略して演奏可能
※4...Percussion 8 (Normal)では一部Xylophoneを選択して演奏可能
打楽器アンサンブル楽譜 最後の蝋燭(打楽器3(~10)重奏)

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